Dreamin Lyrics by ZAYN is a brand new English song which is presented here. Dreamin song lyrics are penned down by ZAYN while its tune is made by ZAYN.
“Dreamin'” by ZAYN captures a sense of yearning and introspection as the singer reflects on his emotions and experiences. The lyrics depict a state of dreaminess, where the singer is lost in his thoughts and feelings. He confesses to dreaming his life away and searching for something elusive that he knows he will recognize when he finds it. The recurring theme of needing something else suggests a sense of dissatisfaction or longing for fulfillment. Despite experiencing moments of falling in love, there’s a transient nature to these feelings, as they fade away by morning. The singer acknowledges the confusing and fleeting nature of emotions, feeling lost and seeking clarity. The song’s repetition emphasizes the cyclical pattern of dreaming, feeling, and needing something more, highlighting the internal struggle to hold onto these fleeting feelings.
Dreamin Lyrics by ZAYN
Onе, two, three, go
[Verѕe 1]
Lеt me meаn іt what I saу
I’ve beеn feeling
Yeah, I’m dreaming my life awаy
Јust nеed to level with sky
It seеmѕ to live оn my mіnd
І’ve been dreaming, fеeling this waу
I’ve been nеeding something else
I know what іt iѕ whеn I see it
Can’t hold оn anymore to this feеling
[Verse 2]
Wіth no senѕes, аin’t no sеntenсe
Мaking sense оf uѕ
Did I mеntion lіfe’s intention
Never stеered me right away?
Oh, І’ve bеen falling
I’ve been dreaming, fеelіng this wаy
I’ve been nеeding ѕomething else
I knоw what it іs whеn I see it
Can’t hold on anymore to this feеling
[Guitar Ѕоlo]
Sау І’ve been falling in lovе and in the morning
Тhen I feel nothіng again
Рlеаѕe dоn’t let me forget falling in lovе, it’s all good
Аnd іn the mоrning then you call me agаin
Don’t call me again, don’t call mе аgain
When you faded, nо need to call mе agаіn
I’ve been feеling
I’ve been dreaming, feеling this way
I’ve been neеding somethіng elѕe
І know what it is when I sеe it
Сan’t hоld on anymore to this feelіng
I’vе been dreaming, feeling this wау
I’vе been needing ѕomеthing else
I knоw what іt is when І seе it
Can’t hold on anymore to this feeling
Yeah, I’vе been dreaming my lіfe аway
Dreamin Lyrics Explained
The introductory count-off “One, two, three, go” serves as both a practical cue for the musicians to begin playing and a symbolic invitation for the listener to engage. It creates anticipation and sets the rhythm, signaling the start of an emotional and musical journey.
[Verse 1]
In the first verse, the singer expresses a longing for authenticity, desiring their words to carry genuine significance. They admit to being deeply immersed in their thoughts and aspirations, feeling as if they are lost in a world of dreams. The imagery of “leveling with the sky” suggests a yearning to connect with something transcendent or beyond earthly concerns, which occupies their thoughts persistently.
The chorus articulates a pervasive sense of yearning and dissatisfaction. The singer describes a deep-seated longing for something elusive, something that they can instinctively recognize but struggle to define. This profound desire is so intense that they can no longer bear to suppress it, indicating a need for change or fulfillment beyond their current circumstances.
[Verse 2]
The second verse delves into a state of disorientation and confusion, where traditional senses and logical understanding fail to bring clarity. The singer reflects on the unpredictability of life’s intentions, recognizing moments where their path seems to veer off course. The sensation of “falling” implies a loss of control or stability, suggesting a struggle to navigate life’s complexities.
Reiterating the chorus amplifies the theme of persistent longing and unfulfilled desire. The singer continues to grapple with these intense emotions, recognizing that they are unable to suppress or ignore them any longer. This repetition reinforces the urgency of their search for meaning and fulfillment, highlighting the depth of their emotional turmoil.
[Guitar Solo]
The guitar solo serves as an expressive interlude, allowing the music to convey emotions that transcend language. It provides a moment of introspection and heightened intensity, reflecting the inner turmoil and longing expressed throughout the song. Through intricate melodies and emotive phrasing, the guitar solo adds depth and texture to the overall narrative of longing and searching.
The bridge delves into the transient nature of emotions, particularly love. The singer describes a cycle of fleeting affection followed by emptiness, pleading not to forget the fleeting moments of happiness associated with love. They express a desire to break free from this cycle of emotional highs and lows, seeking stability and fulfillment beyond temporary connections.
Repeating the chorus emphasizes the persistence of the singer’s emotional struggle. They continue to grapple with feelings of longing and dissatisfaction, recognizing that they cannot continue to suppress or ignore their deepest desires. This repetition underscores the intensity of their search for meaning and fulfillment, driving home the central theme of the song.
The outro serves as a poignant conclusion to the song, encapsulating the singer’s ongoing state of being consumed by dreams and aspirations. The phrase “dreaming my life away” suggests a sense of passivity or escapism, hinting at a desire for something more meaningful or fulfilling. It leaves the listener with a lingering sense of introspection and contemplation.
Some Notable Phrases in Lyrics
1. “One, two, three, go” – Initiating Action
This phrase acts as a prompt to start, akin to a countdown before an event or performance. It sets the pace and energy for the song, signaling the beginning of a journey or experience.
2. “Let me mean it what I say” – Authentic Expression
Here, the singer emphasizes the importance of sincerity and genuine communication. They want their words to carry real meaning, reflecting a desire for honesty and authenticity in their interactions.
3. “Dreaming my life away” – Escapism and Longing
This line conveys a sense of being lost in dreams and aspirations, possibly to the point of avoiding or neglecting reality. It reflects a longing for something more, a desire to transcend current circumstances and reach for something greater.
4. “Can’t hold on anymore to this feeling” – Emotional Release
The singer expresses a sense of urgency and inevitability in letting go of their emotions. They’ve reached a point where they can no longer suppress or ignore their feelings, indicating a need for change or resolution.
5. “With no senses, ain’t no sentence” – Disorientation and Confusion
This phrase suggests a state of confusion or disconnection, where traditional senses fail to provide clarity or meaning. It reflects a struggle to comprehend or make sense of a situation, leading to a sense of uncertainty or instability.
6. “Life’s intention never steered me right away” – Struggle with Purpose
The singer reflects on moments where they felt adrift or misguided by life’s intentions. It implies a struggle to find purpose or direction, highlighting the challenges of navigating one’s path amidst uncertainty.
7. “Say I’ve been falling in love” – Transient Emotions
Here, the singer acknowledges the fleeting nature of romantic emotions. They describe a cycle of falling in love followed by disillusionment or emptiness, reflecting the transient and unpredictable nature of romantic relationships.
8. “Don’t call me again, don’t call me again” – Breaking Cycles
This repetition emphasizes a desire to break free from repetitive patterns or behaviors. The singer seeks to avoid being drawn back into a cycle of emotional highs and lows, indicating a need for closure and resolution.
9. “When you faded, no need to call me again” – Acceptance of Endings
This phrase suggests acceptance of the inevitable end of a relationship or emotional connection. It reflects a sense of closure and finality, indicating readiness to move on from past experiences.
10. “I’ve been dreaming my life away” – Reflective Conclusion
In the outro, the singer summarizes their ongoing state of being consumed by dreams and aspirations. It serves as a reflective conclusion, encapsulating the song’s themes of longing, escapism, and the search for fulfillment.
FAQs & Trivia
Who has sung “Dreamin” song?
ZAYN has sung “Dreamin” song.
Who wrote the lyrics of “Dreamin” song?
ZAYN has written the lyrics of “Dreamin” song.
Who has given the music of “Dreamin” song?
ZAYN has given the music of “Dreamin” song.
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