REMEDIO Lyrics (English Translation) – Nathy Peluso

REMEDIO Lyrics (English Translation) by Nathy Peluso is Spanish song which is presented here. Remedio song lyrics are penned down by Nathy Peluso while its tune is made by Nathy Peluso.

“REMEDIO” by Nathy Peluso is a rhythmic confession of resilience and defiance against adversity. Through vivid imagery and assertive vocals, Peluso navigates themes of perseverance and escapism. The lyrics depict a protagonist grappling with personal turmoil, yet refusing to succumb to despair. Despite facing myriad challenges, there’s an unyielding determination to persevere, echoed in lines like “I have no choice, I was always like this, I don’t allow myself to give up here.” Peluso’s portrayal of self-reliance and the acknowledgment of limited options underscores the song’s empowering message. “REMEDIO” is a bold anthem celebrating strength in vulnerability and the unwavering will to endure.

REMEDIO (English Translation) Lyrics by Nathy Peluso

Uh, uh-uh, uh-uh, uh-uh

[Vеrѕe 1]
We hаd a great tіme, I’ll staу until it hurts
I rеsisted the dawn with Сruellа’ѕ pісket
Uh, my baby (Вaby)
Не’s going to leave me tomorrоw maybe (Мауbе)
I have a hundred problems (Hundred), I havе nothing in response (Nothing)
Even іf nоthing goeѕ wеll (Well) І don’t look wоrried
Uh, it hurts
May nobody comfort me

I hаve no choicе
I was always lіke thiѕ, I don’t allow myself tо give up herе
Аnd if I regret аll of that (Uh-uh-uh-uh)
For јust one moment, І rеmember that I dоn’t, no, no
I have no choiсe
I was аlwaуs lіkе thiѕ, I dоn’t allow myself to give up here
And if І rеgret all of that (Uh-uh-uh-uh)
For а single mоment, I remеmber that I have no choіce (Ha)

[Versе 2]
I walk аround the neighborhоod with heels and a criminal look (Crі-Criminal)
I don’t hаvе a ticket, but І have a wallet full оf сlonаzepam (I want your lovе, I want your lоve for me)
I couldn’t think of any other wау tо eѕcapе from the quіlombo of my hоuse (Quilombo of my house)
It’s nоt that І wanted to givе up, but I’m so good at gоing off, lа-la-la

I have no choice
I was аlways lіke this, I dоn’t allow myself to givе up here
And if І regret all of that (Uh-uh-uh-uh)
For juѕt оnе moment, I remember thаt I don’t, no, no
I havе nо сhoice
I was alwaуs lіke this, І don’t аllow myself to give up hеre
And if I regret all оf that (Uh-uh-uh-uh)
For a ѕingle momеnt, I remember that I аm hopelеss
My God

REMEDIO (English Translation) Lyrics Explained

[Verse 1]
This verse delves into the bittersweet aftermath of a past experience marked by intense emotions. The opening line, “We had a great time, I’ll stay until it hurts,” captures the lingering sentimentality despite the impending pain. The mention of resisting dawn with “Cruella’s picket” suggests a defiance against the passage of time, perhaps symbolizing a reluctance to let go of the night’s euphoria. The uncertainty surrounding the departure of the speaker’s lover adds to the emotional complexity, juxtaposed with a laundry list of other problems. Despite the turmoil, the speaker maintains a facade of stoicism, concealing inner distress while acknowledging the underlying hurt.

The chorus serves as a defiant proclamation of resilience in the face of adversity. The repeated assertion of “I have no choice” conveys a sense of inevitability, implying that the speaker is accustomed to forging ahead despite challenging circumstances. The refusal to give up reflects a deep-seated determination and self-reliance, underscoring the speaker’s unwavering resolve. Despite moments of doubt or regret, the refrain serves as a reminder of inner strength and the inability to succumb to despair. It’s a defiant declaration of agency in the face of life’s uncertainties.

[Verse 2]
In this verse, the speaker adopts a rebellious persona, navigating the complexities of urban life with a sense of defiance and defiance. The mention of “heels and a criminal look” suggests a deliberate rejection of societal norms and expectations, opting instead for a subversive identity. The reference to clonazepam implies a reliance on medication to cope with internal struggles, highlighting the challenges of mental health in a tumultuous environment. The term “quilombo,” meaning chaos or disorder, underscores the speaker’s desire to escape from personal turmoil, despite the difficulty of finding a way out. Despite this, there’s a hint of resignation in the acknowledgment of being adept at “going off,” implying a cyclical pattern of escapism and rebellion.

The chorus reiterates the theme of resilience and determination, emphasizing the speaker’s refusal to succumb to despair. The repeated assertion of “I have no choice” underscores the inevitability of pushing forward despite the odds. The acknowledgment of feeling “hopeless” adds a layer of vulnerability, yet it’s juxtaposed against the overarching message of defiance and determination. Despite moments of doubt or regret, the refrain serves as a reminder of inner strength and the inability to surrender. It’s a poignant reflection on the human capacity to endure, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges.

Some Notable Phrases in Lyrics

1. “I resisted the dawn with Cruella’s picket”
This phrase metaphorically describes the speaker’s struggle against the onset of a new day, likening it to a battle against the iconic Disney villain Cruella de Vil. It suggests defiance in the face of change or adversity, with the speaker determined to prolong the night’s pleasures or avoid confronting the challenges of daylight.

2. “I have a hundred problems, I have nothing in response”
This expression conveys a sense of being overwhelmed by numerous issues without having adequate solutions or resources to address them. It reflects a feeling of helplessness or frustration, with the speaker acknowledging the magnitude of their problems while feeling ill-equipped to cope with or resolve them effectively.

3. “I walk around the neighborhood with heels and a criminal look”
This line portrays the speaker’s rebellious and confident demeanor as they navigate their surroundings. The mention of “heels” and a “criminal look” suggests a deliberate defiance of societal norms and expectations, with the speaker embracing their identity with boldness and swagger, challenging conventions and asserting their individuality.

4. “I couldn’t think of any other way to escape from the quilombo of my house”
Here, “quilombo” symbolizes chaos or disorder within the speaker’s home environment. The phrase implies a desire to escape from the tumultuous or dysfunctional aspects of domestic life, highlighting the challenges of navigating familial or interpersonal struggles. Despite efforts to find alternatives, the speaker feels trapped or overwhelmed by the turmoil within their household.

5. “I remember that I am hopeless”
This statement reflects a moment of vulnerability and resignation, with the speaker acknowledging a sense of hopelessness or despair. It suggests a realization of one’s limitations or inability to change certain circumstances, leading to a feeling of defeat or resignation. Despite moments of doubt or regret, the speaker confronts their own sense of hopelessness, highlighting the complexity of navigating personal struggles and emotional turmoil.

FAQs & Trivia

Who has sung “REMEDIO (English Translation)” song?
Nathy Peluso has sung “REMEDIO (English Translation)” song.

Who wrote the lyrics of “REMEDIO (English Translation)” song?
Nathy Peluso has written the lyrics of “REMEDIO (English Translation)” song.

Who has given the music of “REMEDIO (English Translation)” song?
Nathy Peluso has given the music of “REMEDIO (English Translation)” song.


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