TOP 1 Lyrics by GRECAS is Spanish song which is presented here. Top 1 song lyrics are penned down by GRECAS while its tune is made by JCC.
TOP 1 reflects the artist’s defiance and determination amidst societal judgments and personal struggles. As he sings about the goalkeeper leaving him, it symbolizes the departure of obstacles and doubters. The mention of Nike or Lacoste represents the superficiality of material possessions, contrasting with the artist’s genuine values. Choosing to pay for his tracksuit in cash emphasizes his authenticity and independence. While others indulge in vices, he prioritizes providing for his family. Despite facing envy and betrayal, he remains steadfast in his loyalty and commitment, likening himself to Santa Claus surrounded by admiration. Through references to familial love and resilience, he declares his intention to leave a lasting impression, akin to the legacy of Rafael.
TOP 1 Lyrics by GRECAS
Damn JCC
Ahora canto el portero ya me deja
Da igual si son Nike o Lacoste la pareja
Voy en chándal lo pago a tocateja
Tú en coca yo en ropa pa’ mi vieja
Rodea’o de ho-ho parezco Papá Noel
Yo quiero a mi papa y el Mustang que será pa’ él
Lo mueve slow-low pero es una gata fiel
Voy a quedarme en tu memoria como Rafael
Treinta y cinco bloques en la tripa
Son pa’ motivarme si el corazón se me gripa
Los enseño cuando me piden me flipa
Era mi hermano y ahora no me felicita
Les he visto de bajona van al baño y son como Popeye
Soy como Manolo que llevo sangre de reyes
Borracho rapeando en los bajos de Argüelles
Mi público sabe quién es el muelle yeah-yeah
Visto Rafa nunca huelo fafa
Tu artista number one me ve como una amenaza
No es igual no es una sesión de Biza que una sensación de baza
Cabeza alta somos como una jirafa
Me piden fotos en la cola
Algún comentario feo al que no doy bola
No abuses con eso mi hermano que eso no mola
Ya saben la historia con Marco Carola
No vino a verme cuando fue el infarto
Pero ahora está de mi parte cuando sabe que lo parto
No sé si será porque canto
Pero antes los mayores no me saludaban tanto
Me tienen envidia porque esto es mi trabajo
Lo niegan pero saben que vengo de abajo
Puedo tener un diploma pero siento que no encajo
O era haciendo música me rajo
A-a-ahora canto el portero ya me deja
Da igual si son Nike o Lacoste la pareja
Voy en chándal lo pago a tocateja
Tú en coca yo en ropa pa’ mi vieja
Rodea’o de ho-ho parezco Papá Noel
Yo quiero a mi papa y el Mustang que será pa’ él
Lo mueve slow-low pero es una gata fiel
Voy a quedarme en tu memoria como Rafael
TOP 1 Lyrics Explained
The chorus reflects the artist’s defiance against societal norms, prioritizing authenticity and family values. He dismisses materialistic judgments by paying for his tracksuit in cash, contrasting with indulgence in coc*ine. Despite challenges and betrayal, he remains steadfast and loyal, aiming to leave a lasting impact similar to Rafael’s legacy. The imagery of being surrounded by admiration, akin to Santa Claus, reinforces his determination to be remembered.
In this verse, the artist reflects on personal struggles and the motivations that keep him going. The “thirty-five blocks in the gut” symbolize internal struggles, serving as motivation during difficult times. Despite feeling uncomfortable when asked about them, he perseveres. The mention of his brother’s lack of acknowledgment and witnessing others succumb to weaknesses like Popeye reflects on betrayal and disappointment. Comparing himself to Manolo, carrying the blood of kings, highlights his resilience and pride despite humble origins. Despite facing criticism and envy, he remains focused, aware of his worth and potential as an artist. The reference to Marco Carola’s absence during a heart attack contrasts with his support afterward, reflecting changing relationships and perceptions. Unsure if it’s his singing or his background that garners newfound attention, he acknowledges past disregard from adults and envy due to his unconventional career path. Despite feeling out of place, he finds solace and purpose in making music, even if it’s emotionally taxing.
The chorus embodies defiance against societal norms, prioritizing authenticity and family. Despite materialistic judgments, the artist remains genuine, contrasting his modest tracksuit with lavish lifestyles. While others indulge, he provides for his family. Likening himself to Santa Claus, surrounded by admiration, he aims to leave a lasting legacy like Rafael. The mention of his dad and the Mustang underscores his familial bonds and aspirations.
FAQs & Trivia
Who has sung “TOP 1” song?
GRECAS has sung “TOP 1” song.
Who wrote the lyrics of “TOP 1” song?
GRECAS has written the lyrics of “TOP 1” song.
Who has given the music of “TOP 1” song?
GRECAS has given the music of “TOP 1” song.
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