@Preferido Lyrics (English Translation) – Nadson o Ferinha

@Preferido Lyrics (English Translation) by Nadson o Ferinha is Portuguese song which is presented here. @preferido song lyrics are penned down by Nadson o Ferinha while its tune is made by Nadson o Ferinha.

In “@Preferido (English Translation)” by Nadson o Ferinha, the singer reflects on a breakup, asserting that the other person initiated it. They warn of impending regret, emphasizing that life moves on without them. The song conveys a sense of empowerment as the singer declares they won’t be held back by past relationships. They anticipate the other’s realization of their diminished importance, underscored by social media posts, signifying a newfound independence.

@Preferido (English Translation) Lyrics by Nadson o Ferinha

Stay there in the illusion imagining
Just because we broke up
That I’ll be looking for you and crying
It was you who wanted it like this
It was you who wanted the end

I’m imagining, you at the height of need
Get ready to suffer the consequences
Who told you not to value it?
You will taste the pain
Of losing a great love

Oh, oh, oh, oh
And the worst is yet to come
That’s when I post an I love you
And your friends commenting
And the worst thing is that you have to see

That my life didn’t stop because of you
I know, it’s going to be painful
When you realize it’s no longer
My favorite sign
It was you who wanted it like this
It was you who wanted the end

I’m imagining you at the height of need
Get ready to suffer the consequences
Who told you not to value it?
You will taste the pain
Of losing a great love
Oh, oh, oh, oh

And the worst is yet to come
That’s when I post an I love you
And your friends commenting
And the worst thing is that you have to see
That my life didn’t stop because of you
I know, it’s going to be painful
When you realize it’s no longer
My favorite sign

@Preferred, man!

@Preferido (English Translation) Lyrics Explained

The first paragraph addresses the aftermath of a breakup, with the singer directing a message to their former partner. They reject the notion that they’ll be consumed by sorrow, implying that the ex might be deluded to think they’ll pine for them. The repetition of “It was you who wanted it like this” underscores the idea that the breakup was initiated by the ex, shifting responsibility onto them for the emotional aftermath.

In the second paragraph, the singer imagines their ex “at the height of need,” suggesting they will face consequences for undervaluing the relationship. This reflects a sense of justice, with the ex expected to experience the pain of losing someone they once loved deeply. The repetition of “Get ready to suffer the consequences” amplifies the warning and reiterates the theme of accountability.

The refrain “Oh, oh, oh, oh” serves as a transition to the next section, intensifying the emotional tone. The singer anticipates a future scenario where they publicly declare love, potentially causing discomfort for the ex and prompting them to confront the reality of the breakup. This highlights the singer’s determination to move forward and assert their independence.

The final paragraph echoes the sentiments of the first two, emphasizing the inevitability of the ex realizing that the singer has moved on. The repetition of “It was you who wanted the end” reinforces the idea of responsibility, while the reference to the singer’s “favorite sign” suggests that their affection has shifted away from the ex. The repeated warning and acknowledgment of the pain ahead emphasize the singer’s resolve and the ex’s impending reckoning.

FAQs & Trivia

Who has sung “@Preferido (English Translation)” song?
Nadson o Ferinha has sung “@Preferido (English Translation)” song.

Who wrote the lyrics of “@Preferido (English Translation)” song?
Nadson o Ferinha has written the lyrics of “@Preferido (English Translation)” song.

Who has given the music of “@Preferido (English Translation)” song?
Nadson o Ferinha has given the music of “@Preferido (English Translation)” song.


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